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Location scouting in Cologne

As a photographer you'll need to pay attention to your surroundings and be conscious about many diffferent details.

I recently visited Juliane, a good friend of mine, in Cologne, where I used to work before I moved to London. During this time I learned a lot about photography, but also about people, communication and networking. Juliane assisted in the same portrait photography studio, so we had a good time together from 10 to 6 weekdays and stayed in touch when I went to the UK. ;) Therefore, it is always a pleasure to visit Cologne when I am in Germany and to explore this marvellous city with friends.

This time we went to the former harbour area of Cologne, called Rheinauhafen, where international companies have their offices nowadays.

As you can see you have a good view at the Cologne Cathedral and I personally love the overall architecture made of glass, rusty metal and steel, because of the large amount of reflections everywhere. And the Rhine is a perfect reflecfor panel and helps portrait photographers to create stunning headshots, too. I'll give you more information about portrait photography at the Rheinauhafen in the following blog post in a couple of days, so keep following!

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