Becher moments & fashion shooting
Yesterday I did a shooting with the beautiful girls of sPOTTlight, a fashion blog which dedicates itself to the Rhine and Ruhr region of Germany, loveingly called "Ruhrpott" or just "Pott". As a native "Pottkind", I wanted to collaborate with sPOTTlight and contribute a tiny bit to enhance the negative perception of this area. Common prejudices are that the region is grey, dirty and that it is not very desireable to live there. But it is! With the best public transport system in Germany, a multicultural society and an exciting history, the Ruhrpott is not as bad as it is called. Check out their blog to learn more about the "Pott" and its creatives.
We took the photographs at POENIX west, a former industral park where steel and coal were produced. It was demolished in WWII and recently remodeled and transformed into an technological area, incorporating significant landmarks of the past like the HOESCH Tower and the furncace you see below.
PHOENIX west is exciting to explore due to its history and architectural diversity and definitely worth a trip. Do not forget to bring your camera!
